Sunday, June 7, 2009

i miss the beach already.
such a good vacation.
so many friends and funny jokes and good food.
BUT i'm stoked to be back with my widdle baby george. and of course the best down the street neighbors evar.

-who? me.
-poppin' 'ners
-nicole, nicole being a diva, nicole being pretty
-bleaching hair
-lil bit of chicken fries
-bro waiters
-lords of dogtown
-sand crabs
-male nudity, fruit baskets, etc
-28" pizza
-BOOBZ bbq
-fitting 7 people in my car...twice
-drunk baby g
-lots of naps

i don't know. i'm trying to write more but i can't really think.

my phone broke, i'm currently trying to file a claim for that. fuggin fold out couch...
ready for 3-4 shows this week. not ready for work at all. i'm hungry.

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