Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hey blog.

I haven't written in you since december...
O well.
LJ is really good for silly every day updates.

2008 has been excellent for me thus far.
I am so happy that it's finally spring.
I keep forgetting that I am nineteen years old, maybe because I don't care about my age. I've never been mistaken for younger than I am. My friends are always older than I am. Maybe because I actually don't try to grow up too fast, and don't try to be "mature".
Also, the best shows happen in spring/summer.
I need to start seriously planning Sound & Fury. I would really like to drive there, whether that will happen or not....I don't know. I may have to end up flying. But whatever. I fucking love California. If I had a shit ton of money I would be living there. Seriously. A+.
Spring break was also excellent. I was only in Baltimore for one day, and even that was awesome. Philadelphia was fun. Getting locked in Rob's bathroom multiple times was not. United Blood in Richmond was a+. I love fests. I love going out of state for shows. Best shit. AND JACUUZIN'.

Life is good.