Sunday, November 30, 2008


George luvs brains. I'm sick. I woke up at 1. George is funny. I'm eating breakfast.

Friday, November 28, 2008


My aunt is having her baby today. She was supposed to be induced on Dec 1, and was originally due Dec 4. BUT he decided he wanted to be born today instead! Mom and I hung out with jake for a little then came to the hospital. Now I'm sitting and waiting for poppy to bring coffee. I hope I can find a plug to charge my laptop...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

LOL happy thanxgivin

Poppy said he's never heard the thong song before when I mentioned the neighbors were blaring it the other eric pulled it up on youtube. Funniest ever, and poppy just asked if this is what happens in the club. I love poppy.

puppy luvz

George and Katie met for the first time yesterday and George scared the shit out of her. Not literally of course but she started screaming and ran under my hutch when she saw him. They'll be friends one day. Its thanksgiving. I am not the biggest fan of thanksgiving because my two goddamn dinners always seem to overlap. Seriously. 3pm is lunch not dinner...j/s. I need some starbucks today, like I've been wanting for 2 days now. Ughhh.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

U mad?

Busy bein sexy in my penguin onesie...u mad? I think u is

Monday, November 24, 2008

My desk

such a gross mess. i think it just means i'm busy...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Fails. I'm just gonna stay in bed and watch the states like I've been doing all day anyway.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Boston terriers

Are the jammm. Pretty pig princess jovie sue. I also love katelyn biddle even though she puked on me. Return to house on haunted hill is a lol. So is lock up raw. Ill come and getcha later, I'm fixin to kill this bitch. Peppermint mocha twist from bux rules. Da end.
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Friday, November 21, 2008

Sooo cute

Katelynnnn, luvs her. We ate chinese food and are now chilling at kendall and katies new place. Katies pit is such a handsome babe and looks like jorge. :) And mick jager stays cute.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

For the record...

I think fish tacos are absolutely disgusting, and i hate fish.
but I am stoked on eating a beautiful cheesesteak this weekend!!!!
om nom nom

I came up with a really brilliant idea to offer free HMR entrees to the secretaries and lab people, etc that work in our office on a day that we don't get free lunch from reps. We decided on today and it is a huge success, everyone wanted one! I love when my ideas are really good ones.

this is what i'll be doing later today
busy drivin, always.
i love driving though, except when there are a bunch of assholes that are busy walking around and being in the way.

i am soooooo hungry. :(

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Euro cucs

LOL at the grocery store. I'm testing blogging from my BB, mail-to-blogger style. Work is boring I can't wait to go to Ruth Chris.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

a break from school work.

i wuv my friends. and lol @ kenny's head in the corner, i didn't even notice.

the beach was a lot of fun! lots of shopping and eating and arcade tickets!

i registered for all of my classes for spring semester and i'm STOKED. i have two history classes back to back! also, physical geography with my current cultural geography professor. and french online. hopefully i will pass everything because then i only need 5 more classes to get my A.A. with a concentration in history, one of which i'm hoping to take over the summer because its non-credit. i had noooo clue i was this close. no wonder first semester was so terrible; i had absolutely no history classes.

and eric, i'll update my flickr tonight, i swearrrrrr. but theres one picture to hold you over haha

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the beach.

so close but so far.
only one more full day of waiting.

i'm so tired i don't know what's wrong with me.
9.5 hours at work today. sick.

i wish winter did not exist.
i am wayyyy too cranky way too early on.
so much h8.

can i plz just sleep until united blood 09???